Monday, January 09, 2012

Scenes from India, Part I (Delhi)

These have become my favorite chip flavor. Reminds me of home
After my 25-hour flight and layover, I made it!


The view from my hotel.
Also from the hotel (in Pahar Ganj).

My first meal. Some kind of curry (it was a ramshackle place with no menu or English).

First auto rickshaw ride.
India Gate.

Everyone does something cutesy with them and India Gate...

...So I join 'em.

Now at the Ghandi Smriti.

You can trace his final steps.

This is the spot where he was assassinated by a Hindi extremist upset about his moderate Muslim stance.
The president's residence (Rashtrapati Bhavan).

Pahar Ganj's Main Bazaar at night.
A guy tries to give me a new watch battery (he failed).
Cows in the Main Bazaar.

Guy sleeping in the building next door.

My room: an oasis from the cacophony that is Pahar Ganj.


Andrea said...

Looks exciting!

And also, polluted air.

I WANT some of that food. That ramshackle food place dish made me hungry!

Kristie Walker said...

I can haz postcard pleeeeeeeze????

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